Jujutsu is basically a set of methods that were developed in response to an emerging need for techniques for fighting in battle with enemies. These techniques were designed for use in unearthing a distinct method for dealing with a battlefield. The techniques originated from an oral culture transmitted through the generations among the Bushido practitioners. Eventually, the oral teachings were absorbed and transformed into several systems of self defense arts that are still being taught today.
The most important component of jujutsu is known as Aiki. Aiki is a form of power that flows from the practitioner’s right (or bai) hand to his left (or tanpura) hand to channel energy.
This is to protect oneself as well as others while fighting. Jujutsu training began with the teachings of the legendary samurai, Kenwa Ueshiba. He is believed to have introduced the basic set of aiki techniques to match what he knew from studying several Taoist disciplines.
Daito Ryu Aikijujutsu is one of the many variations of jujutsu. It is unique in that it combines the best of jujutsu and katasansui (the traditional Japanese martial art of defense). Most people refer to Daito-Ryu Aikijujitsu as jujutsu with the distinction being made between the two different systems. There is also Aikijujutsu-kyu, which is a school specifically for teaching this type of martial arts. Another school that was developed to adapt the teachings of Daito-Ryu Aikijujutsu is the Sanchin-Ryu school. Both schools teach the basic components of jujutsu and the different variations are taught by their own unique teachers.
Horikawa Shinyan jujutsu was developed by Japanese wrestling master, Kisshomaru Usui. Like most of the various jujutsu schools he created, it began with the basic principles of jujutsu such as the application of pressure points to force an opponent to yield or retreat.
The primary difference between Horikawa Shinyan jujutsu and most other schools of jujutsu is the emphasis on physical conditioning.
The main emphasis in this form of jujutsu is to develop the strength of the legs, arms, and trunk to counter the strength of an opponent. Most western practitioners of jujutsu are unaware that there exists such a thing as “horizontal strength” as opposed to “vertical strength.”
Two important forms of jujutsu recognized by most martial artists today are Daitanshu (Daisuke Aikido) and Kukui (Karate).
Daitanshu, or daisuke jujutsu is often called the oral arts, as it relies more on the oral communication of the warrior than on technique demonstrated to the audience. This form of jujutsu is sometimes referred to as the Dojo system of Japan and is the school most commonly known outside of Japan.
Some sources believe that the origin of this term goes back to a time when students of a particular style of karate showed their ability to protect the dojo and to take on a fighting partner without showing any form of technique.
In contrast, the second school, Kukui, is based around the concept of “spiritual presence.” Many of the techniques involve using an unseen fifth sense to discern whether an opponent is faking an attack or not. Most schools will emphasize the use of attacks and defenses similar to those used in jujutsu and other forms of martial arts training. However, some schools focus on the use of techniques that instill a sense of balance among the practitioner and his or her opponent.
There are three main philosophies that guide the training of jujutsu. The first, and most original of these three is known as daito-ryu. It was founded by Minoru Mochizuki, who was a student of the founder of Aikido, Morihei Ueshiba.
The primary difference between daito-ryu and other forms of jujutsu is the belief that technique is not the primary factor that determines a win or loss, but the will of the warrior. The second philosophy, called morihei ueshiba’s philosophy, or the shift system is that there are five principles: existence, power, space, time, and sequence.
In contrast to some other schools, the primary training involved basic training such as standing on the ground with one’s feet on the ground. Eventually, mats were added to provide a natural mat for training, eventually resulting in the use of shoji mats, which are square boxes with inside holes. Training progressed from there and was formalized in the twentieth century by the formation of tournaments.
Today, jujutsu is widely practiced worldwide and is recognized as a sport that promotes healthy lifestyles. Some of the more popular forms of jujutsu include: shiai-zukuri, kyokushoku-zukuri, sumo jujutsu, and datogyoku-zukuri.